Sunday, 6 January 2008

Predictions for 2008

Here are my 2008 predictions:

A Cheaper iPhone in the UK: My mobile phone contract expires in March. I'm currently a student and therefore very grateful to be paying £17.50 a month for what I get. However, the iPhone looks sweet. I doubt my loan will strecth to the 300 quid or whatever it is, plus £35 a month. That said, I'm currently on Three so anything would be an improvement.

Blu Ray will go into a commanding lead: Not sure how many of you are aware of the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD war but basically it's VHS versus Betamax all over again and right now there is only one loser - the consumer. Conventional wisdom dictates that it's too early to start spending astronomical amounts investing in HD movie collections. I don't believe in conventional wisdom. Take all your life savings and get a PS3 to go with your fancy new LCD HD TV because most of the major movie studios are aligning behind the Sony-led format and apparently Apple is also waiting in the wings to join Team Blu-Ray. It's over.

Celebrity Big Brother will finally die: I don't really have strong feelings for reality tv shows. I just ignore them. However, there is one that I just cannot stand. Celebrity Big Brother is the annoying itch on the arsecrack of humanity. After the whole racism scandal I hoped, nay, prayed that Channel 4 would drop CBB for good. Ms Goody, the monster Channel 4 had created, seemed to have singlehandedly destroyed the show for good. It was deliciously ironic that the person who had attained "celebrity" status from the normal Big Brother would be the end of the Celebrity incarnation.