Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards is dropping out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, CNN has learned. The former senator has told top advisors about his decision. It is expected he will announce it at a speech in New Orleans, Louisiana, at 1p.m. Wednesday.
This is interesting. Who will Edwards endorse? My feeling is he is desperate to be vice-president and is waiting to see who pulls ahead between Barack and Hilary. Once he's chosen who he thinks is his best shot to VP he will swiftly endorse them, most likely tipping the Democratic Nomination squarely in their favour. He will then ride the presidential ticket to near certain victory. His only problem, there's a bit of speculation that Al Gore will swoop in with a celebrity endorsement of Obama before Super Tuesday. If that happens, Edwards will be forced to side with Hilary to keep his VP aspirations alive. I get the feeling that if this were to happen, Obama/Gore would be quite and attractive ticket to the undecided voters. But not as attractive as Obama/Edwards.
I'm not American so I can't vote, but from what I've seen from here in the UK is the best presidential partnership would be Obama/Paul. Yeah, I said it! Just my two cents.
John Edwards quitting presidential race