Thursday, 3 April 2008
Steve Jobs wants music subscriptions
Read an interesting article from Valleywag explaining why Steve Jobs wants to change the model for music downloads. He wants to offer ipod users/buyers unlimited downloads for an extra $20-$100. I think this is a genius idea and if implemented could really give Apple complete dominance over the music download market as well as locking people into buying ipods. Bit worried about how much power this gives Apple though...Check out the article here.
Also read on Coed Magazine that Facebook is going to introduce Facebook chat. This could be a masterstroke if they do pull it off, but for some reason this makes me less inclined to use Facebook. It's bad enough logging in and having to deal with a million messages when you shouldn't really be wasting time on it in the first place. Add the extra layer of annoyance when someone pops up trying to chat with you. I hope they offer it as an application that you can opt out of. The reliability of this is in question though since the article claimed this would happen in the next two weeks and two weeks later there's been nothing. Read the article here.