Wednesday, 16 April 2008

The new i

They've done it again. Apple, in their infinite wisdom and imperious majesty have created a product that revolutionises the paradigm shift of existance and reality. I give you - the i:

The Apple "i"

Monday, 14 April 2008


An illicit copy of the steamy, still-FBI-classified reel - 15 minutes of 16mm film footage in which the original blond bombshell performs oral sex on an unidentified man - was just sold to a New York businessman for $1.5 million, said Keya Morgan, the well-known memorabilia collector who discovered the film and brokered its purchase.

read more | digg story

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Rick Astley goes on tour!!

The Rickroll is coming live to a stage near you. That's right, Rick Astley is part of the Here and Now Tour 2008, a nostaglic nationwide tour featuring some of the "biggest" acts of the 80s. The line up? Rick Astley, Bananarama, Paul Young, ABC, Curiosity Killed the Cat, Johnny Hates Jazz, Cutting Crew. Only 26 days to go!!

Get your tickets here!!

Saturday, 12 April 2008

US Bosses want Estelle to fix her teeth

Top of the UK charts with her first solo hit American Boy featuring Kanye West, and about to go on tour with Wyclef Jean, you might think everything was going great for UK soul sensation Estelle. You'd be wrong;

Her bosses also want her to ditch the boyish haircut she has in her “American Boy” video and would like to give her image a complete overhaul, according to The Sun. The American executives are adamant she makes a lot of significant changes,” said a source. “They want rid of her tomboy hair and want her to get her teeth fixed. Estelle is not happy. She feels her teeth and the rest of her look are a big part of her character.”

I'm only really commenting because I really like her track American Boy. To be fair, her teeth are pretty bad. But it says a lot about the state of the american music industry when you can't do well unless you look perfect. Meanwhile over here we've got Amy Winehouse running things...

Source: Necole

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Preciously unique amusing cartoon whale in an ocean of second hand bong water

More Zero Punctuation. This time in the firing line: No More Heroes on Nintendo Wii:

The Escapist: Zero Punctuation: No More Heroes

The Odds of Dying

This really cool pic showing the probabilities of dying in various ways. Dying from a lightning strike is more probable than dying in a flood? Doesn't sound right to me.

The odds of dying

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Obama is cool

Turns out Barack Obama is commited to not accepting any donations from lobbyists, no matter how small. Long story short, a well meaning man registered as a lobbyist sent Barack $100 and had the cheque returned to him. Full story here.

Speaking on behalf of the rest of the world, as I often do, I have a few words for any Americans reading this page. AMERICA, PLEASE VOTE FOR BARACK OBAMA!! I will honestly lose what little faith I had for the US if someone as amazing as Obama comes along and is passed over. I wish people like Barack were politicians in Britain.

Obama Didn't Want My Money

Monday, 7 April 2008

Video Games Versus Violence

Saw this interesting image on Digg today. Not sure about the credibility of the source, but a good way of seeing how you can make statistics show whatever you want.

Video Games Versus Violence

For the record, blaming video games for violence is like blaming Islam for terrorism.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

New style MacBook and MacBook Pros coming "soon"

According to AppleInsider the current incarnation of Macbooks and Macbook Pros will be the last before a major design realignment towards current iMac and Macbook Air styling. The new notebooks are rumoured to hit after June of this year. With the new 3G iphone rumoured to be coming in the next 60 days and iMac upgrades on the horizon, 2008 is looking like an exciting year for Apple.

Wasn't sure to tag this under cool or not seeing as I bought my MacBook in October 2007 and it was already obselete by the time I got it home in the car. An entirely new version hitting less than 12 months after my hefty purchase isn't what I'd describe as cool. This despite the "internal refresh" that occured when Leopard released about a week after I got mine. Oh well, that's what the Macrumors buyer's guide is for. Go my AAPL stock!

Apple notebook lines to see major design changes, sources say

Saturday, 5 April 2008


Maybe once a year, the internet throws up something that is so cool, so incredibly amazing, that you sit back in silent awe. As a young child working out that I would turn 13 in The Year 2000, I wondered what kind of futuristic madness might be available by the end of the first decade. I could never have imagined this.


Unlike a standard speaker that uses magnets/paper/plastic etc, this plasma speaker uses the non-gas, non-liquid, non-solid, "fourth state of matter" plasma to create compression waves. The pitch is altered by the constantly shifting intensity of the plasma arc at a frequency response range at 200Hz to 12kHz.

When asked if he ever considered selling his device the creator replied, "A lot of work to do before I could consider selling - the safety aspect for starters..." Fair enough, considering that the universe will be destroyed if two of the plasma speaker beams cross. Yes. Ghostbusters was scientific fact.

Plasma Speaker / Singing Arc - FM Modulated Prototype

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Steve Jobs wants music subscriptions

Read an interesting article from Valleywag explaining why Steve Jobs wants to change the model for music downloads. He wants to offer ipod users/buyers unlimited downloads for an extra $20-$100. I think this is a genius idea and if implemented could really give Apple complete dominance over the music download market as well as locking people into buying ipods. Bit worried about how much power this gives Apple though...Check out the article here.


Also read on Coed Magazine that Facebook is going to introduce Facebook chat. This could be a masterstroke if they do pull it off, but for some reason this makes me less inclined to use Facebook. It's bad enough logging in and having to deal with a million messages when you shouldn't really be wasting time on it in the first place. Add the extra layer of annoyance when someone pops up trying to chat with you. I hope they offer it as an application that you can opt out of. The reliability of this is in question though since the article claimed this would happen in the next two weeks and two weeks later there's been nothing. Read the article here.