Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Gmail Goggles Prevents Drunk Emails

New in Gmail Labs: When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you're really sure you want to send that late night Friday email. And what better way to check than by making you solve a few simple math problems after you click send to verify you're in the right state of mind?

read more | digg story

Thursday, 2 October 2008

The moral of the story is don't be such a fat bitch

This made me laugh today. Basically the story is a woman got fined £150 for breaching the 75 minute maximum stay in a KFC car park. The reason she overstayed was because she and a "pal" shared a bargain bucket.

FAST food fan Natalie Jackson was hit with a £150 fine at KFC — for staying too long gorging on a monster-sized “family bucket”.

The trainee nurse and a pal plumped for FOURTEEN chicken pieces, SIX bags of fries and large cokes after driving to their local branch.

They spent an hour and a half scoffing the 5,456-calorie feast. Days later regular customer Natalie got the fine in the post for breaking the restaurant car park’s 75-minute limit.

The 24-year-old fumed yesterday: “It’s disgusting. I spend a lot of money in there. Now I’m never going back.”

Hmm. Not sure I sympathise. Especially since she's sold her story to The Sun which probably more than covers the cost of the fine. The "I'm never going back" comment is classic. You eat there three times a week love, I'm betting you will.

£150 fine... for staying too long at the KFC